Like i always say in previous article going far means going with good spirited dudes who share same energy and passion with you, In this case reBaked as a platform has and is making it possible for people of like minds with necessary skillset to come together and function on the platform.
This article seeks to beam light into the vast possibilities and roles you can get in an function on the reBaked platform.
Initiators: These guys conceive and thrive against any and every obstacle to start and keep the project going and hence the name and important role the occupy each
Contributors: reBaked as a brand functions with the help of talented and skilled fellows to expand hence most of us are today discovering and rediscovering what we carry in us.
lastly the last category is a category that host those who can invest not just talent but even money
these guys are called the sponsor and
They buy equity from other stakeholders.
They provide early funding to Initiators to coverBlockchain Networks unlock the new economic model of collectivity, with projects operated and owned by their users and distribute value amongst them. The ownership economy allows numerous stakeholders to deliver results faster, be more collaborative, and have a higher impact on the community.…. yet there are no mechanisms or infrastructures for scaling the Ownership economy. ReBaked’s value-driven system of collaboration and governance allows anyone, anywhere, to effectively cooperate and build fast-moving 3.0 infrastructure & products. reBaked takes a unique approach to crowdsource and open innovation. Unlike pure contest plays, the reBaked system allows collaborators to negotiate a guaranteed minimum payment in exchange for convertible tokens from promising Web 3.0 Projects. Blockchain Networks unlock the new economic model of collectivity, with projects operated and owned by their users and distribute value amongst them. The ownership economy allows numerous stakeholders to deliver results faster, be more collaborative, and have a higher impact on the community operational expenses.