How well do you know the name Kepler or should we talk about the project keplerswap
Kepler, is a concept that was birth by the easy thought but by a careful and logical analysis and consideration well maybe you haven’t heard I am here to tell you that a planet was named after the space mission that collected data for a new
habitable planet after earth is being damaged beyond repair, I feel the thought in your head take a chill and let me help your curiosity. Nine years of tedious and innovative work and research was sacrificed and the product came out fruitful as the planet proved much promise of harboring life and sustainance even matching up with earth magical depository.
Further more this can be equalled with the introduction of keplerswap_dex . Before now the trading and market space was controlled by a small proportion of rich and powerful business men and politicians who only got richer while the rest had no access affluent which ordinary shouldn’t be so the system decayed to the point of needing salvaging and then came DeFi and decentralized pattern of doing transactions but the still exist a big question over the first version of DeFi at this point keplerswap comes in to offer a solution In a world of blockchain technology and decentralised finance, the old ways (Defi1.0) is getting used up with lots of problems and limitations ,making it quite stressful to use. Kepler promises a change to that with Defi 2.0.
Question is how; we are never tired of xray the how and making sure you understand because that is the first and one of the most important features of decentralization now with a total upgrade of Defi1.0 championed by keplerswap, the plan is to break the norms by building a strong horizontal and vertical network( Refer to my previous post on this). For a fact keplerswap current features has proven that a better DeFi ecosystem is possible and only the right step in the right time and direction. Some basic features, such as platform coins, Decentrilised loans, Assets exchange, Mainstream coins and coin listing by introducing additional features such as Jumbo Lucky pool, Open technology , Open Finance and SPACE contribution award and this will build strong eco-activity and link all eco-members hence achieving true decentralization.
This really is something to be happy about atleast an innovative development as this will revolutionize the whole blockchain ecosystem. A wise saying has admonished us to Stay focused and not loose sight because the slow movement of a tortoise is not laziness but calculated smartness. So I admonish all progressive minds to jump on this project and experience DeFi at its best.
Contact :
Keplerswap. io