2 min readAug 10, 2021

Growth and advancements are two things that’s are quite synonymous with a progressive society and without those two things will continue being done the same way and same result will keep coming sometimes these results are not often times the desired.
when the world was rocked with the issues of Government and individuals Controlling and dictating everything thoughtful individuals came up with the blockchain network a proposed completely decentralized network where government grip is not felt but then this blockchain though good but it still has spots to fill up a few error to right and many individuals yet again have been trying to figure out solutions to this problems and amongst this is a0000 project called reBaked, reBaked seeks to make the blockchain space fully decentralized and gives room and opportunities to everyone to shine and bring on what the have buried inside of them. Rebaked isn’t just about saying it rebaked has gone as far as starting and a matter of fact achieving quite alot in that regards below is a list of features that reBaked brings to the table in order to help fast track the advancement.

1. THE OWNERSHIP Model (as a reward system):

reBaked believes the future of successful community projects will be fueled by incentivizing all participating stakeholders. By offering equity to all participants, we can harness the creative energy and determination of crowds.

2. DAOs (as a project vehicle):

The most cost-effective and fair business model ever conceived. DAOs have only a single purpose: protecting the interest of the business itself. Essentially, DAOs incorporate governance and decision-making rules through computer software and operate autonomously, without the need for a central authority.

3. COLLECTIVE FUNDING(as a funding mechanism):

We believe in the idea of true fair launch. What does this mean? It’s a way of funding projects by involving all stakeholders and building communities that work towards a common purpose. We reward early risk takers, but we do so without relying on the infamous premining system.
when you look at this feature you will discover that this a project that has any and everyone in mind and wants you to be in charge of how things are done so why don’t you jump on this project.


Written by Joey

Writer | Cisco trained Cyber Security Analyst | Web3 community manager and event host.

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